We will receive your call from 9 a.m to 3 p.m on (01220887103)" /> We will receive your call from 9 a.m to 3 p.m on (01220887103)"/>

Purchasing Specialist

نشرت في 02-August-2015 مشاهدات 3432 مرات المرشحين1 المتقدمين للوظيفة


العقود والمشتريات
الحجم غير محدد الموظفين
لديها 0 وظيفة خالية
الخبرة المطلوبة
0 - 2 سنوات
غير محدد
غير محدد

الوصف الوظيفي

One of ITO Group companies is hiring "Purchasing Specialist " Borj Al Arab - Alexandria with following qualifications:

− 1-2 years working experience "Local Market"
- BSC of Commerce
− Excellent communication skill 
− Excellent negotiation skill 
− Good personality, energetic and work under target stress
− Multi task person 
− Micro soft word/excel and power point skills 
− English language is a MUST

Send your C.V to /> We will receive your call from 9 a.m to 3 p.m on (01220887103)

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